Hi Quality Equipment need Top notch service to provide uninterrupted runtime of our products.
Our services to corporates and individuals will fit your working environment and budget and will give 24/7 runtime for your unique needs and challenges.
Warranty Services
True Warranty Service for all Equipment provided.
A manual is included for every tool and explanation to how to use it correctly, even if operator made mistake, we have good will policy in our warranty agreement that covers issues beyond fabrication failure and creative solutions to minimize rising problems from untrained operator or un-expected working sites conditions.
Corporate Accounts
Sometimes it is very time consuming for medium to large business to pay in advance or to manage transportation for every single tool.
Ask for corporate accounts service, a service we provide for corporates that facilitates payment, delivery, and operation for all the corporate employees under a single account.
Custom Repair Contracts
We supply superb equipment with lifetime exceeding the provided warranty.
Lot of our clients ask us for a Repair Custom Contract for whole Business or by site that includes repairing onsite and onetime payment per month and much more.

Interested in any of our Services?
Contact your sales representative or ask a pro to customize a service for you (ask a pro)